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This poem, one of mine from 2017, describes the lens I use to apply more than 20 years of my craft helping you to design transformative leadership, team and organization development:
conversations that matter
(final draft.1)
really, when
you get right
down to it,
is about
an environment
that opens
the space for
Conversations that Matter:
conversations that build:
shared meaning,
focused action,
collaborative relationships.
In my experience
the practices
that best encourage
these moments
seem to be:
Deep Listening
(to self and others)
Courageous Engagement
(remembering that courage comes from the heart as in “coeur” from french for heart)
Radical Kindness
(always mindful that kindness and kin have the same root)
The Simple Magic of 3 Deep Breaths
(bringing us to our senses again)
A printable version of this poem
Leadership is less about a person or set of competencies and more about the collective practices that people engage in to accomplish their mutual work.