Work is a breathing
This blog is a place to cultivate conversations that matter and to re-imagine work, together.
Many of you know that I live right outside Washington, D.C.
Last month’s blog question―What is leadership, really?―has been on display here for all to see. This week reminded me again that this is a conversation that matters.
I could easily write from my rage today―there is so much of it in the world right now.
I could try to write from the grief that seems to be everywhere―too much, too deep, too tender in the world right now to even try.
I could write from despair―so real in so many places.
I choose to write from here, from the extraordinary magic of 3 deep breaths. I’d like to introduce you to an excerpt from a favorite poet, Thich Nhat Hahn, from his book “The Art of Communicating”:
“We think that with all our technological devices we can connect, but this is an illusion. In daily life we’re disconnected from ourselves. We walk, but we don’t know that we’re walking. We’re here, but we don’t know that we’re here. We’re alive, but we don’t know that we’re alive. Throughout the day, we lose ourselves.
To stop and communicate with yourself is a revolutionary act. You sit down and stop that state of being lost, of not being yourself. You begin by just stopping whatever you’re doing, sitting down, and connecting with yourself. This is called mindful awareness. Mindfulness is full awareness of the present moment. You don’t need an iPhone or a computer. You just need to sit down and breathe in and out. In just a few seconds, you can connect with yourself. You know what is going on in your body, your feelings, your emotions, your perceptions.”
Now, I invite you to join me in the radical act of 3 deep breaths, coming home to yourself, with a few good questions to ponder. Bring along a pencil and journal. This exercise takes about 8-10 minutes. Feel free to take longer. See where it leads you.
Find a quiet spot.
Take a deep breath in, saying to yourself in silence “I am breathing in,”
Breath out, saying to yourself in silence “I am breathing out.”
Take a second deep breath, aware that you are breathing in,
Breathe out, knowing that you are breathing out.
One more radical act with a third deep breath in, saying to yourself “I am breathing in,”
Breath out with a slow ahhhhh, knowing that you are breathing out.
The simple magic of 3 deep breaths.
For at least 3 minutes, write, following the current of your thoughts with this prompt:
What is most on my mind right now?
After you are finished take a breath, aware that you are breathing in,
Breath out, knowing that you are breathing out.
For another 3 minutes, write again, following the current of your thoughts with this prompt:
What is most important to me right now?
One more deep breath...
Breathing in and breathing out…
Slowing down for a moment.
Be well.